
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Avengers Endgame: Some of the biggest questions that endgame has given the audience to think about

Hello Everyone,

Avengers Endgame has finally hit the theaters and it has hit the bullseye in almost every aspect. A fitting farewell to the superheroes who lived a decade conquering the hearts of audience through some brilliant story telling, extraordinary set pieces and a mind blowing chemistry between the actors who donned the roles of superheroes.

If you still haven't watched the movie yet. please stop right here and close the page and go watch the movie....

Note: The questions that I post here are purely based on the cinematic experience I had . I haven't read the comics and doesn't know the stories that happen there. These are purely based on the movies ..

*************************SPOILER WARNING****************************

Avengers Endgame throw the heroes into trauma for five years after the events of infinity war and the re-entry of ant man in the year 2023. The heroes tries to undo their past and bring back those who have been turned into dust as a result of the "Snap". I don't want to go into further details ( as there will be some people still reading this without watching the movie, who cannot control their anxiety) and would like to stop here. The heroes succeed in undoing the snap and the epic battle of the movie happens after.

As the movie concludes as an emotional conclusion, there are a few big questions that is left over from the story line of this movie. Some people would say this as a plot hole but i wouldn't really call it that way. Because we have seen Marvel Studios handle such questions in the movies that follow.So the what is the challenge here. All the heroes who has come back from dust are coming back straight to 2023 where the final act happens.

Half the population of the entire universe has come back after five years.Like Peter Parker said. Its like they have woke up from the sleep. How will they go into the new world. This directly points to the next set of movies that are lined up.

 Spider-Man: Far From Home- Peter Parker is just the Peter Parker who left in 2018. Who all have turned into dust in 2018? We know about his friend Ned, and the cast from Home-coming who looks exactly the same in the newly released Far From Home trailer. What does this point to?. Are they living in 2023 or 2018 or even 2019?. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige said that, Far From Home would start minutes after the events of End Game. So what are the possibilities...?

Theory 1:Story happening in 2023: The world accepts that the people who were gone has come back alive and starts to live with it. Like Ant-man  seeing his grown up daughter...Good bye Heroes.. Good bye Infinity stones...

Theory 2: -Heroes going back to 2018/2019: Our heroes having cracked the idea of time travel, can send back people to 2018 where they go turned into dust. This actually raise a few questions.. Now that Thanos have been defeated, and that too the one from past, Will they be going back to the timeline where Thanos never really exists. Or will there be a parallel timeline where everything happens in an untouched manner? Time travel is one hell of a question...

So going by this theory if heroes are to be send back( I am not sure about the rest of the population who are stuck in 2023) to the past to live a normal life, there is a big chance that some of the heroes might actually come back in this scenario.The endgame event happens in 2023. So going back in timeline actually means that we will have all the heroes who said good bye???????? Only time will tell.

The Future of Infinity stones: This will throw us into another conflict. The stones are destroyed by Thanos after infinity war. Endgame uses the stones from the past and send them back to where they actually belong. Does this mean, the stones will not be destroyed, as there is no Thanos to take part n the events that happen after 2014???? If the stones are to be present in the upcoming movies, Doesn't this mean the heroes too. How will the stones survive the timeline change and the heroes doesn't.?????

Infinity War : The Thanos who gets defeated is the one from 2014. The final battle that takes place, is in 2023. As banner says. "Its time travel" and we are not sure about the outcomes. The stones have gone back to where they belong. But Thanos and his army haven't. Does this create a new timeline caused due to endgame events that runs in parallel of the original events? This means in the original timeline Thanos continues his conquest and in the newly created timeline he comes for the battle? Or does the infinity war doesn't happen at all???  Dear Russo brothers "Why would you do that?"

Lets hope Marvel Studios surprises us again......

Note: I am not the finest or greatest fan of MCU. The above questions and theories are made out of the movies watched so far. Please feel free to correct me on my theories and feel free to anwser the questions and I would be happy if you pass information that i am unaware of...

And for the fans who cannot agree to my doubts, please avoiding spamming in the comments sections of the post. Because "I cannot do this all day"... :) Cheers.. Peace Out!!!